
NEMChange, in providing its services through this website, would like to establish certain terms and conditions for your use of the platform. It is imperative to take note of the following points and recognize that by accessing or using NEMChange, you are in agreement with the stipulations set forth herein. Kindly read this disclaimer carefully and ensure that you comprehend its implications.

  1. Errors and Accuracy: NEMChange cannot assume responsibility for any inaccuracies, errors, or omissions present on this website. While we strive to offer accurate and up-to-date information, the cryptocurrency market is subject to rapid changes, and data may occasionally contain errors. Visitors are encouraged to verify information and exercise caution in their trading or investment decisions.
  2. Trading and Investment Risks: NEMChange does not accept liability for any losses resulting from trading or investment activities conducted by our visitors. Regardless of whether these losses arise from inaccuracies or errors on our platform, we urge users to conduct their due diligence and seek professional financial advice when considering investments in cryptocurrencies.
  3. Copyright Protection: All the content present on NEMChange is protected by copyright laws. It is strictly prohibited to reproduce, republish, or distribute any material from this site without obtaining explicit permission from NEMChange. Unauthorized use or replication of our content will result in legal action taken to the fullest extent permitted by law. This copyright protection does not extend to content provided via RSS feeds by NEMChange or instances where specific permission from NEMChange was granted.
  4. User’s Discretion: If you find yourself dissatisfied with any of the terms and conditions outlined in this disclaimer, your sole and exclusive recourse is to cease using NEMChange. We value user discretion and respect your right to make choices that align with your comfort level and principles.

NEMChange is committed to providing a valuable resource for information and insights into the cryptocurrency world. However, we must emphasize that the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile, and all trading and investment decisions should be approached with caution and consideration of potential risks. We also emphasize the importance of adhering to copyright laws and obtaining proper permissions for the use of our content. Our users’ satisfaction and compliance with these terms and conditions are of utmost importance to us. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this disclaimer, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.